Welcome 👋

Welcome to the Grant for the Web Gradual instance!

Read on for ambassador instructions on how to add new sessions using the CMS. Or head for the home page to see what you can learn and share.

Sign in to the CMS

Every instance has one or more ambassadors with access to the Content Management System (CMS). As an ambassador, you should have received an email invitation to set up your account.

📝 You can reach the CMS via: gftw.gradu.al/admin ↗︎

Logging in to the CMS

Adding and editing sessions via the CMS

Once you're logged in to the Forestry CMS, you can access Sessions via the left sidebar:

Accessing sessions in the CMS

Click a session or hit the 'Create new' button to edit a session's Front Matter (left) and Markdown (right):

Editing content in the CMS

Information about your content is called Front Matter in Forestry. Each type of content can have different information attached. The CMS makes it easy to fill in the bits you need. You can read more about Front Matter here.

Your content's body text is written in Markdown. The CMS offers a helpful editor to style your text the way you like. You can read more about editing Markdown content in the Forestry CMS here.

Previewing and publishing

When you are happy with your edits, you can hit the 'save' button top right.

You can also preview your edits via the preview button top right:

Gradual CMS Preview

This will open a preview of the Gradual site in a new window (wait for it to build), where you can navigate to see your changes.

Some more tips

  • You learn the most when everyone is involved! Can you think of a fellow skill sharer who hasn't filled in what they'd like to learn and share? Share a link to the home page with them!

  • Have a new skill you'd like to learn or share? Add it to the list!

  • Any questions? Send us an email!